Via Afrika isiNdebele Home Language Grade 3 Learner’s Book


In the Learner’s Book you will find all the content your learners need to master. The Learner’s Book is written in accessible language that makes it easy for learners to study from. The exciting design and layout will keep their interest and make teaching a pleasure for you.

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ISBN: 9781415425787
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Ungathanda ukufunda amagama amatjha weLimi lakho leKhaya? Ungathanda ukuba nabangani abatjha bese ubacocele iindatjana nemibono yakho? Incwadi le izokusiza ngakho koke lokho nokhunye okunengi. Nawuzijayezako godu ufunda, uzokubona amakghono wakho woke athuthuka, ukusukela ekufundeni nekutloleni ukuya ekukhulumeni nekulaleleni. Zilungiselele unyaka okarisako nothabisako!