The Fourth Industrial Revolution is right here, right now. Make sure you’re equipped with the right knowledge to be a successful Citizen of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, with these great resources.
So what exactly is the Fourth Industrial Revolution? And why does it matter that we’re in it? That’s where we come in. You can access a host of useful content about the 4IR right here, on this page. Articles, videos, podcasts, you name it – we’ve got you covered.
The first session in Via Afrika’s online Fourth Industrial Revolution course, “Getting to the Fourth Industrial Revolution”, will benefit anybody who wants to demystify the 4IR. Whether you’re a doctor, a politician, a student, or simply interested, this session will help you understand the 4IR, and how we got here.
Click here to sign up for the session introducing 4IR now.
Check out the videos below for an overview of each of the sessions.

Embrace change, because it’s here. The Fourth Industrial Revolution has already begun and we’re going to help you understand its transformative technologies as they change the world we know.
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Free 4IR resources
Cultivating A Shift Towards Digital Teaching With Technology Training
Lockdown: Does this mean missed schooling? Get virtual school skills for free now
What is the fourth industrial revolution?
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Via Afrika 4IR training course launched
Via Afrika, a South African producer of digital and printed educational content, has launched an online training course to demystify the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR).