Via Afrika Siswati Home Language Grade 3 Big Book 2


Big Books and readers are an essential part of shared reading in a classroom environment. Shared reading happens when an expert reader and a novice reader read together. This is very important for language and literacy development. Using a Big Book, the teacher models the reading process, tracks the text, reads to the learners and encourages them to join in when they can. The teacher shows learners how to use the information on the page and fills in gaps in the learner’s knowledge. The Via Afrika Big Book and Readers series is ideal for assisting teachers in shared reading activities in the classroom.

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ISBN: 9781415430552
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I-Via Afrika iyawubonga umsebenti wakho njengathishela, kantsi sente lokusemandleni kukuniketa emathulusi lajabulisako nalatawenta kube nekungenelela kuwe neliklasi lakho. Lencwadzi Lenkhulu, kanye naletinye Tincwadzi tetfu Letinkhulu letintsatfu teLibanga 1 (yinye ngethemu), titakusita ekutfutfukiseni emakhono ebafundzi ekufundza baholwa emacenjini. Sikufisela umnyaka lonemphumelelo kumsebenti wakho.

Lencwadzi Lenkhulu kufanele isetjentiswe kanye ne Siswati Lulwimi Lwasekhaya Libanga 1 Incwadzi yemfundzi, Incwadzi yekusebentela, Tincwadzi tekufundza letine letisezingeni neNkombandlela yemfundzisi.