Via Afrika isiXhosa Home Language Grade 2 Teacher’s Guide


The series was written to be aligned with CAPS.
A possible work schedule has been included.
Each topic starts with an overview of what is taught, and the resources you need.
There is advice on pace-setting to assist you in completing all the work for the year on time.
Advice on how to introduce concepts and scaffold learning is given for every topic.
All the answers have been given to save you time doing the exercises yourself.
Also included is a CD filled with resources to assist you in your teaching and assessment. See the inside front cover.
A Question Bank with tests you may photocopy will help you assess your learners effectively.

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ISBN: 9781415425855
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UVia Afrika uyaqonda, exabisa yaye exhasa indima yakho njengotitshala. Unowona msebenzi ubaluleke kakhulu kwezemfundo, kwaye siyaqonda ukuba uxanduva lwakho lubandakanya ngaphaya kunokufundisa kuphela. Senze okona sinakho ukukwenza ekukongeleni ixesha kwaye senze ubomi bakho bube lula, kwaye siyazingca kakhulu ngenxa yokuba sinokukunceda ekufundiseni esi sifundo ngempumelelo.