eBook (ePDF): Via Afrika IsiXhosa Home Language Grade 9 Novel: Umntu akalahlwa


These novels have been written to match the interests and reading levels of Grade 7, 8 and 9 learners. The novel forms an important part of the reading component of the CAPS curriculum and must be used in addition to the class reader.

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ISBN: 9781415456910
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Kule noveli sifumana uSiboleke ongumntwana ofundiswa ngabazali abangawaziyo umnyango wesikolo. Uphumelela ibanga leshumi aze afumane imfundo enomsila. Ufunda ezimisele phantsi kwekxwaleko zeetshomi zakhe ezimhlaselayo xa engayihambi imijuxuzo koko ezimisele kumsebenzi wakhe wesikolo.

Ibingumhla wothweso zidanga xeshikweni efumana umnxeba ofihliweyo othi abazali bakhe baphulukene nobomi kwindlela esuka eFlagstaf eza eMthatha. Noxa kunjalo bakho abantu abamomeleze ngelithi makaye kuthweso zidanga hlawumbi loo myalezo ungenantloko liyelenqe nje labanxaxhi. Ngenene liqhubile itheko de labizwa nelakhe igama. Uthe xa esiya kuthweswa ngokusesikweni, wamangaliswa umfana kuloo mayeyeye xa enakana ilizwi limthutha limdomboza. “Halalaaa!! Bhala kaDududu.” Ekuvile oko wema waphulaphula walondla nalapho liphuma khona. Kwathi kanti ngunina uhleli ecaleni kukayise. Ngobani kanti aba bakwingozi yesithuthi?

Yithi chu ke nawe uzivele olu ncuthu mazangwa lwencwadi.