Via Afrika isiZulu Home Language Grade 3 Workbook
The Via Afrika Workbooks have been developed to give additional learning opportunities when used with the Learner’s Book. The Workbook allows the teacher to keep all the learner’s written practise work in one place for ease of reference. The Workbook also allows parents and caregivers to see their child’s progress.
Ngabe ungathanda ukufunda amagama amasha oLimi lwakho Lwebele? Ngabe ungathanda ukuba nabangani abasha bese ubatshela amacebo kanye nezindaba zakho? Le ncwadi izokusiza ngakho konke lokhu kanye nokuningi. Ngesikhathi uzijwayeza futhi ufunda, uzobona wonke amakhono akho eba ngcono, kusukela ekufundeni kanye nasekubhaleni ukuya ekukhulumeni kanye nasekulaleleni. Zilungiselele unyaka omnandi nonesasasa!